Julie Matthaei
Boston Area Solidarity Economy Network
Julie Matthaei is a Professor of Economics at Wellesley College, where she teaches The Political Economy of Gender, Race and Class, and Feminist Economics. She is co-founder and board member of the U.S. Solidarity Economy Network, and co-founder and co-coordinator of BASEN, the Boston Area Solidarity Economy Network. Julie has been active in peace, feminist, ecology, LBGTQ, anti-racist, and social forum movement in the U.S. since she went to college at Stanford in 1969, and has been jailed twice for civil disobedience (1971 and 1987). Julie has written two prize-winning books on gender, race, and class in U.S. economic history, An Economic History of Women in America (1982) and, with Teresa Amott, Race, Gender and Work: A Multicultural Economic History of Women in the U.S. (1996). Julie co-edited Solidarity Economy: Building Alternatives for People and Planet (2008), based on set of workshops at the first U.S. Social Forum in 2007, which she helped organize. Julie lives with her husband Germai Medhanie and her three cats in Cornerstone Cohousing in Cambridge, Massachusetts.