Solidarity Economy Confronting Racism & Colonization

Publications, Books, Articles, Videos

Uprooting Racism: How White People Can Work for Racial Justice Paul Kivel

White Privilege-Discussion Guide Tim Wise


Organizations & Networks, Training/Workshops

AORTA is a worker-owned cooperative devoted to strengthening movements for social justice and a solidarity economy. We work as consultants and facilitators to expand the capacity of cooperative, collective, and community based projects through education, training, and planning. We base our work on an intersectional approach to liberation because we believe that true change requires uprooting all systems of oppression.

Black Lives Matter is a chapter-based national organization working for the validity of Black life. We are working to (re)build the Black liberation movement. This is Not a Moment, but a Movement.

Undoing Racism – The People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond focuses on understanding what racism is, where it comes from, how it functions, why it persists and how it can be undone.

Dismantling Racism Works is a collaborative of trainers and organizers who have been facilitating Dismantling Racism work for many years. Building on a model developed in the early 1990s by Kenneth Jones and Tema Okun, what was once a three-day workshop has developed into the longterm Dismantling Racism process we facilitate today.

Idle No More calls on all people to join in a peaceful revolution, to honour Indigenous sovereignty, and to protect the land and water.

The Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society at UC Berkeley brings together researchers, organizers, stakeholders, communicators, and policymakers to identify and eliminate the barriers to an inclusive, just, and sustainable society and to create transformative change toward a more equitable nation.

Workers of Colour Caucus – Ontario Federation of Labour

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