You may have seen the phrase, “Economic Wellbeing,” popping up in your newsfeed on issues from global poverty, to the governmental response to COVID-19, to the relationship between where someone is born and their quality of life. But what does it actually mean?When we pull apart the phrase, Economic Wellbeing and ask, How does the economy affect wellbeing? or, What would it mean to have a Wellbeing Economy?, then things really get interesting! In the first session of this new virtual series, Advancing Collective Wellbeing, we are reimagining our economy through the framework of wellbeing. With dynamic speakers, Emily Kawano from the United States Solidarity Economy Network and Amanda Janoo from the Wellbeing Economy Alliance, it’s sure to be an inspiring event! This event is FREE! Many thanks to Summit Credit Union for your sponsorship! To register, click here.We hope to see you there! The Institute for Collective WellbeingThis initiative was developed with support from our partners at Civic Wellbeing Partners |
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