The American Friends Service Committee published a piece on the Solidarity Economy and mentioned USSEN!
“In the U.S. and around the world, communities are exploring just, sustainable alternatives to capitalism. Here’s how you can get involved.
“Working for economic justice often reminds me of the myth of Sisyphus, who was condemned by the gods to eternally roll a rock up a mountain only for it to roll back down again. Sometimes you can win lasting victories, defend past gains, or at least reduce the harm that would otherwise have been done. But engaging in similar struggles—like state and federal budget issues—over and over, however necessary, can get tiresome.
“Fortunately, these struggles aren’t the only option. We can also build positive alternatives. The newish term for this approach is “solidarity economy,” although examples of it are as old as humanity. The New Economy Coalition defines it as “a global movement to build a just and sustainable economy where we prioritize people and the planet over endless profit and growth.”
“Examples include Indigenous approaches to survival and sustainability, cooperatives, community land trusts, credit unions, peer lending, mutual aid, community-led economic development, barter, community-supported agriculture, and fair trade products. Or the informal ways in which family, friends, and neighbors come together all the time to help each other…”
“Five guiding principles of the solidarity economy
(according to The U.S. Solidarity Economy Network*)
*The U.S. Solidarity Economy Network grew out of the U.S. Social Forum in 2007 and is affiliated with a larger international movement…”
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