
Webinar: Women and Social Solidarity Economy

We know that many women are wondering about gender equality, and therefore are taking a closer look at feminist economics to confirm whether it is more in line with their aspirations, values and entrepreneurial practices.

#StartingGood Virtual Summit 2018

From March 19th — 30th, 2018 StartSomeGood and Tilt will be working together to run the FREE #StartingGood Virtual Summit 2018.

Introducing Solidarity Economy

Asian American Solidarity Economies launches our 2018 webinar series with speakers Emily Kawano, US Solidarity Economy Network and Julia Ho, Solidarity Economy St. Louis introducing solidarity and cooperative economics in Asian American immigrant and refugee communities. Join us on March 19, 2018 and RSVP at

Introducing Cooperatives

In our second of five webinars, our speakers will introduce cooperatives, their principles and examples, and the cooperative ecosystem.

Women and Governance in Social Solidarity Economy

Related to this fourth session, about Women & Governance in SSE : This panel of experiences highlights the contribution of women in the governance of the different local, regional, national and international SSE organizations. Discover the reality, the challenges and the importance that women actively participate in the governance. Together, let’s explore what to do to ensure the equal presence and role of women and men.

Forming Cooperatives

In our third of five webinars, our speakers will introduce the steps involved in forming a cooperative including deciding on its legal entity, cooperative finances, and governance and decision making.

Black + Brown Community Healing Through Land

Healing our relationship with land is essential for Black and Brown folks who have faced intergenerational dispossession. Following the greatest single decline in Black homeownership and wealth in the nation’s history, many families are struggling. This workshop will explore the connection between healing and land, offer examples from Detroit of redistribution of public and private lands, and encourage knowledge exchange among participants.

Women, Social Solidarity Economy, and Social Protection

This panel of experiences will explore to which extent SSE represents a means to provide social protection for women? We will explore the subject, identify successful practices, confirm structuring strategies thatcan engage the movement, networks and SSE organizations, working together to improve the women’s lives.

Third World Solidarity Economy

A livestream panel discussion between Black, indigenous, and people of color organizing autonomous communities and liberated economies from Los Angeles to the Navajo Nation to Jackson, Mississippi.

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