On May 1st, 2017
SHUT DOWN Attacks on our Freedom/Ataques a nuestra libertad,
SHUT DOWN on our Human Rights/Ataques a Nuestra Derechos Humanos,
SHUT DOWN Attacks on our Diverse Communities/Ataques a Nuestras Comunidades Diversas,
SHUT DOWN Attacks on our Right to Organize/Ataques contra nuestro derecho a organizarios
RESIST Discrimination/Discriminacion
RESIST Bans/Exclusion
RESIST Walls/Muros
RESIST Poverty Pay/ Salarios de pobreza
RESIST Stereotypes/Estereotipos
DEFEND Diversity/Diversidad
DEFEND Working People/La Gente Trabajadora
STAND UP TOGETHER on May 1st/Nos alzamos unidos el 1o de mayo
This is a call to all working people and communities/Este Un llamada para toda la gente trabajadora y todos lascomunidades:
Join in the streets/Unase a nosotros en las calles
May 1, 2017
Take the day Off ›
Join millions across the country on the National Day of Action by not going to work.
Go on Strike! ›
Unite in solidarity with your co-workers for better pay and working conditions.
Organize a Student Walk Out ›
No School on May 1.
Petition your Employer to close for the Day ›
Thousands of workplaces will Shut down in observance of May Day, help move your employer.
Spread the Word ›
This is about All of Us, make sure everyone knows that on May 1st is our day! is not the project of any particular organization. Our goal is to be clearing house of information for May 1st actions and to help people participate across the country.
We are responding to a call for action for mass marches, shut down actions, and a general strike coming from many local and national community and resistance organizations. To learn more about different May Day calls for action visit:
The Food Chain Workers Alliance, Movimiento Cosecha, SEIU United Service Workers West, Alliance to Reclaim our Schools, Beyond the Moment, Voces de la Frontera
The May 1st Day of Action is a demonstration of our collective resistance. We stand together in the face of a profiteering economy that leaves behind working families and the growing racist attacks on our immigrant, Muslim and Black neighbors.
We will show the Trump administration and the world that our work is more powerful than his agenda of hate and greed. Our contributions are essential to American society. Our work must be valued and our humanity must be respected.
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