
Solidarity Economy – What & Why [Recording]

Link: The California Progressive Alliance believes that a better California is possible by reclaiming our government from the corporate interests that have overshadowed the voice of the people. The US Solidarity Economy Network has developed a candidate questionnaire to advance 5 key policy proposals that...

An Interview with Solidarity Economist Paul Singer

Professor Paul Singer, Austrian economist and tireless promotor of the Solidarity economy in Brazil, died at age 86 (see RIPESS). Below is an interview with Professor Singer by the International Sociological Association. Paul Singer is one the most distinguished intellectuals of the Solidarity Economy in Brazil...

Atlas of Utopias

"Utopia lies at the horizon. When I draw nearer by two steps, it retreats two steps. If I proceed ten steps forward, it swiftly slips ten steps ahead. No matter how far I go, I can never reach it. What, then, is the purpose of...

Introducing the FairShares Model V3.0

via P2P Foundation The FairShares Model enables you to (re)design companies, cooperatives, associations and partnerships to fully recognise and reward enterprise founders, workforce members and users/customer who invest natural, human, social, intellectual, manufactured and financial capital. We recognise that wealth is generated by stewarding nature to enhance human skills and capabilities, building relationships between people, enabling them to...

20th Anniversary of Lima Declaration

RIPESS is celebrating the 20th birthday of our movement! The first meeting of the globalization of solidarity was held in Lima, Peru, from the 1st to the 4th of July 1997, as an initiative of GRESP, the Peruvian network for solidarity economy. Following this meeting and declaration, the desire...

Solidarity Rising in Massachusetts

via Practical Visionaries New report documents emerging solidarity economy movement in lower income communities of color   [Download report: large-format or letter-size] A solidarity economy movement is emerging from lower-income communities of color in Massachusetts. This movement aspires to transform capitalism—as we know it—into a world rooted in values...

A Charter for Data and Mapping Commons

via RIPESS by Alexane Heredia One of the earliest such maps was TransforMap, a project with origins in Austria and Germany that is using OpenStreetMap as a platform for helping people identify and connect with alternative economic projects. In the US, CommonSpark assembled a collection of “maps in the...

Commons Transition and P2P: a Primer

via P2P Foundation by Ann Marie Utratel The Commons is a concept and practice that has been steadily gathering increased attention and advocates. Deeply rooted in human history, it’s difficult to settle on a single definition that covers its broad potential for social, economic, cultural and political...

Why a Just and Sustainable Economy Looks Like a Doughnut

via Yes magazine This is the real-world economy for a living Earth that we must learn to structure and manage to provide a safe space for humanity. by David Korten I see a lot of books presuming to explain what’s wrong with the economy and what to do...

New Economy and Social Innovation Forum pledges to build a values-led system

via Coop News More than 900 representatives from the new economy, including several co-ops, gathered for the session in Malaga, Spain by Anca Voinea Over 900 new economy actors got together in Málaga, Spain for the Global Forum on New Economy and Social Innovation. The event, which took place...
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