
Resist and Build: Convening the US SE Movement

From 2020 to the present, USSEN has convened Resist and Build gatherings online, creating a space for translocal and national solidarity economy groups to engage in dialogue, collaborate, and build relationships. USSEN is hosting an in-person gathering of the Resist and Build network in October 2023...

Solidarity Economy 101 Slides

The Resist and Build Education Circle developed a Solidarity Economy 101 workshop, with significant contributions from Emily Kawano, Mike Strode, David Ferris, and April Taylor. Hundreds of people from across the United States and the world have participated in various versions of this workshop. We...

Solidarity Economy Candidate Questionnaire

Overview Guidelines The Survey Reference Overview The U.S. has a strong history of local economic development that is grounded in cooperative, democratic, equitable and sustainable values. The solidarity economy is a framework and movement that brings together practices that align with these values in order to build an economy that...

Seven ways to build the solidarity economy

We can transform capitalism by encouraging the ‘better angels of our nature.’The solidarity economy is a global movement to build a post-capitalist world that puts people and planet front and center, rather than the pursuit of blind growth and profit maximization. It isn’t a blueprint...
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