Author - Emily Kawano

What is the Solidarity Economy? (A Shareable explainer)

We stand at a historic moment—a crossroads in the history of humanity and Mother Earth. Rarely has there been a convergence of so many crises, from climate catastrophes to fascism.These are scary times, but crises also create opportunity. The last two major economic crises, the...

First Anniversary of UN General Assembly Resolution on the Solidarity Economy

ILO and UNTFSSE celebrate first anniversary of UNGA Resolution on the SSE with a global webinar25 April 2024On Thursday, April 18, 2024, the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the UN Inter-Agency Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy (UNTFSSE) hosted an anniversary webinar.The event featured regional updates and...

System Change: A Basic Primer to the Solidarity Economy

by Emily Kawano and Julie MatthaeiOriginally published on Nonprofit QuarterlyThe COVID-19 pandemic has upended our world. It has laid bare the inequity, the limits, and the failures of capitalism. The door to a better future beyond capitalism, already cracked open by the Great Recession, has...

Seven ways to build the solidarity economy

We can transform capitalism by encouraging the ‘better angels of our nature.’The solidarity economy is a global movement to build a post-capitalist world that puts people and planet front and center, rather than the pursuit of blind growth and profit maximization. It isn’t a blueprint...

Little Free Pantries – Beyond Charity, to Food as a Right

Tamara McFarland, Cooperation Humboldt   Along the rugged coastline of far-Northern California, activists have launched a program to tangibly demonstrate their commitment to food justice and neighborhood building. This local Little Free Pantry initiative is a project of Cooperation Humboldt, a nonprofit committed to creating a...
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