
De-colonizing Our Solidarity Economy

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVro87fKP6M&w=560&h=315] Jan. 22, 2015 - organized by SEN. Hosted by Jessica Gordon Nembhard and Elandria Williams with Shamako Noble - co-founder Hip Hop Congress, Cecilia Martinez - Univ. of Delaware, Jihan Gearon - Black Mesa Water Coalition, Diana Lopez - Southwest Workers Union

Democratize Big Banks

We don't need to break up the big banks. We need to put them under democratic control In These Times - Jamie Merchant Public interest in progressive financial reform is growing. After the epic crash of 2008 and the “Great Recession,” and with a boost from a...

Will the New Economy be Capitalism or Something Else

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUpU_cvzmsI&w=560&h=315] with Keith Harrington, YES Magazine, Julie Matthaei, US SEN, Gar Alperovitz, Democracy Collaborative, Sohnie Black, Fund for Democratic Communities, and John Fullerton, Capital Institute
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