
Feminism and Revolution: Looking Back, Looking Ahead

Since the stirring of “second wave” feminism a half century ago, the movement has become progressively more inclusive and systemic. Early on, Marxist-feminists argued that true women’s liberation required transcending both patriarchy and capitalism, and thus a politics at once feminist and anti-classist was essential....

Feminization of Politics

Populism is not only incompatible with feminizing politics — it actually reinforces patriarchy. We need to transform the way left-wing politics is done. By Laura Roth and Kate Shea Baird via ROAR Magazine Two of the liveliest debates among activists on the European left these days relate...

A Feminist Economy

Report on the Third RIPESS Webinar on Women and Social Solidarity Economy Four feminist speakers, all practitioners and experts in SSE from very different backgrounds shared their reflections with us on the feminist economy from a gender perspective on SSE in this third webinar of the RIPESS open...

The Factory in the Family

The radical vision of Wages for Housework. By Sarah Jaffe via The Nation In 1975, women in Iceland went on strike, from their domestic responsibilities as well as their day jobs. The strike, organized by women’s councils across the country after the United Nations declared 1975 as International...

Zapatista’s Women in Struggle Summit

The First International Gathering of Politics, Art, Sport, and Culture for Women in Struggle is hosted exclusively by rebel women for rebel women. via Telesur Thousands of women from around the world attended a meeting in Zapatistaterritory Thursday to hold the “First International Gathering of Politics, Art, Sport, and Culture...

There is no Food Sovereignty Without Feminism

Peasant women, unite!  Ask governments to support the UN Declaration on the rights of peasants. Peasants and others working in rural areas represent the largest group of people in the world suffering from hunger and malnutrition. These people have faced political and economic discriminations for decades.

Co-ops Enable Low-Income Women to Work as Owners and Decision Makers

By Eleanor J. Bader SolidarityEconomy.net via Truthout March 30, 2015 - At Cooperative Home Care Associates, in their state of the art training facilities, these workers in training are finding eachothers pulses with the help of their training instructor (seen to the right). (Photo: Jordanna Rosen)At...
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