Worker Coops

Cincinnati experiments with co-op/union hybrid

A city hit by high unemployment is looking to examples abroad and from US history to create new ways of working via Co-op News In Cincinnati, Ohio, a city with high levels of unemployment, new models of co-operation are being developed, based on examples in US history...

Co-ops: A Tool For Community Organizing

via The Uptake by Cirien Saadeh Co-ops are not just for grocery stores anymore.  Member and worker-owned co-ops for housing, farming, rural electricity, and other big projects that have societal benefits — including sustainable businesses and living wages— are on the rise in Minnesota. Minnesota already has a...

Up & Go Is A Worker-Owned Alternative To On-Demand Home Cleaning Services

via Fast Company The new web app is giving worker-owned cleaning cooperatives a much-needed tech boost to expand their reach–and hopefully paving the way for a more tech-savvy approach to winning new customers for more equitable businesses. by Eillie Anzilotti Rosario Jimenez is 28, and for the past...

Interview: Mondragon Corporation: A Manufacturer of Equality

  Josu Ugarte. Photo credit: Financial Times photos / Foter / CC BY. Article cross-posted from TooMuch. By Too Much June 26, 2015 - In the United States, top corporate execs sometimes make more in an hour than their workers can make in a...

Texas Taxicab Drivers Rally for Worker-Owned Co-op

By Tyler April 22, 2015 - As Austin’s ground transportation service industry faces upheaval due to new competition, taxi drivers are using a looming expiration of the city’s taxicab franchises as an opportunity to push for, among other requests, a cooperative,...

Economics From the Bottom Up: Designing Strategies, Making Alternatives

Springfield's Wellspring Collaborative worker-owned upholstery shop brings jobs, training Talking with Emily Kawano, Co-Director, Wellspring Cooperative Corporation Interviewed by Steve Dubb, Research Director, The Democracy Collaborative March 2015 Emily Kawano is Co-Director of the Wellspring Cooperative Corporation, which is seeking to create an engine for...

Co-ops Enable Low-Income Women to Work as Owners and Decision Makers

By Eleanor J. Bader via Truthout March 30, 2015 - At Cooperative Home Care Associates, in their state of the art training facilities, these workers in training are finding eachothers pulses with the help of their training instructor (seen to the right). (Photo: Jordanna Rosen)At...
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