Argentine co-op movement develops free app for solidarity economy
Under the motto 'connecting solidarity', it allows people to search for co-op providers of goods and services By Anca Voinea via The News.coop Co-ops in Argentina can now connect with customers and other social and solidarity economy businesses through a free app. ESSApp, developed by open software co-operative GCOOP,...
Cooperativa Tierra y Libertad
via Food Chain Workers Alliance “To tell the truth, we are forming this cooperative so that one day we can get ahead. Hopefully this goes well. For now, in the context we are fighting -- si se puede! -- we have each other as partners willing...
More Businesses Are Becoming Coops: Here’s Why
With new tools and political policies now in place to support them, there could be a boom in employee-owned business ahead as baby boomers retire and sell their companies to their workers. By Eillie Anzilotti via Fast Company In 1982, Linda and Gregory Coles were struggling to find...
Cooperatives, Community Development and Social Justice
An Interview with Jessica Gordon-Nembhard and Ed Whitfield via GEO Richard Rice interviews Jessica Gordon-Nembhard, PhD and Ed Whitfield on Cooperatives, Community Development and Social Justice. Jessica is the author of "Collective Courage: A History of African American Cooperative Economic Thought and Practice" [and a member of the...
Worker Cooperatives Are More Productive
When maximizing profits isn't the only goal, companies actually work better. By Michelle Chen via The Nation Imagine an economy without bosses. It’s not a utopian vision but a growing daily reality for many enterprises. A close analysis of the performance of worker-owned cooperative firms—companies in which...
Considerations of Workplace Democracy
via Georgetown Public Policy Review Coauthored by Rebekah Ackerman and Charlie Whittington No subject suffers continuous and unproductive beatings as often as the subject of economic inequality. The conventional analysis of economic inequality considers measurements of income and wealth to identify trends in inequality. We abandon this method...
Buy Out Your Boss
Two Glasgow businessmen knew that selling up for big money would also mean huge job cuts, so they handed over power to their staff instead. The latest article in our new economics series explores this forgotten solution. by Aditya Chakrabortty via The Guardian It had all been going so well....
Connecting and Organizing Collectives of Color in Los Angeles via Color Coded by Aldo Puicon For communities of color, being dependent on the current economic system is dangerous and hazardous to our health and to our lives. Through decades of neoliberal policy making, capitalism has prioritized the individual over the...