Social Economy

Goddard College For Sale: A Future Just Transition Campus

The People’s Network for Land & Liberation (PNLL) is a BIPOC-led Consortium consisting of  Community Movement Builders Cooperation Jackson, Cooperation Vermont Incite Focus  Native Roots Network, and Wellspring Cooperative,We are partnering with Full Spectrum Capital Partners and Resource Generation to raise $5 million to purchase...

Maximizing Dignity through the Social and Solidarity Economy

The three year SUstainable and Solidarity economY (SUSY) project ends with a policy paper presentation at the European Parliament In February 2015, 26 partners from 23 European countries – including the UK’s Co-operative College – developed an EU-funded project to promote the SUstainable and Solidarity economY (SUSY). Since then, the project...

Imprisoned: Inside the Politics of Control and Resistance

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Social justice movements from around the world are pushing back against this shift toward nationalism, extraction and environmental destruction. They are particularly highlighting food sovereignty, feminism, and environmental justice as strategic ways forward in the defense of land, water, and territory. Via Grassroots International By Salena Tramel The...

Knowledge Hub on Social Solidarity Economy

via RIPESS On April 25th, the United Nations Inter-Agency Taskforce on Social and Solidarity Economy adopted a proposal to create a Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) Knowledge Hub for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This project is the direct result of the Taskforce Seminar held in Rome...

Meet the Radical Workers’ Cooperative Growing in the Heart of the Deep South

via The Nation by Peter Moskowitz On November 9, people across the left woke up and wondered, “What do I do now? Under total Republican control, how does one fight for progressive change?” Kali Akuno, the co-founder of Cooperation Jackson, a workers’ cooperative in Jackson, Mississippi, has...

Upstream podcast on solidarity economy

In this episode we explore a phenomenon that has existed throughout centuries both within and alongside Capitalism. Wherever relationships have been based on reciprocity, sustainability, and democratic governance you'll find the Solidarity Economy. We learn of it's origin and about how it is strengthened by...
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